
Hear from Manifest: The Future of Logistics CEO Jay Weintraub and Phantom Auto Co-founder Elliot Katz as they discuss how remote operation decouples labor from location — expanding the labor pool and increasing resilience across the supply chain.




Key takeaways from the interview:

  • Remote operations allows workers to monitor, assist, or drive forklifts from up to thousands of miles away.
  • Improve worker safety by removing operators from potentially hazardous environments
  • Increase productivity throughout your operations by tapping into remote labor sources. 

You can listen to the entire episode on Apple Podcasts and Spotify or watch the video recording on YouTube.

About Phantom Auto

Phantom Auto specializes in remote operation of all logistics vehicles. Phantom’s human-centric interoperable solutions enable people to remotely supervise, assist, and drive vehicle fleets from up to thousands of miles away – including forklifts, robots, trucks, and more. By decoupling labor from location, the company increases labor access and retention, safety, productivity, and resilience across the supply chain. With Phantom, supply chain operators can tap into drivers from anywhere — connecting people who want to work with jobs that need to be filled. The company’s proprietary software delivers secure, low-latency communication over volatile wireless networks for reliable sensor streaming and safe vehicle control. For more information about Phantom, visit