
In the newest episode of Click Connect Drive: A Phantom Auto PodcastIssues Facing the Autonomous Technology Supply Chain in 2021 and Beyond, host Daniel Litwin talked with Evan Rago, Solution Development & Strategic Sales Manager for Phantom Auto. Join their conversation as they discuss current and potential issues affecting the global supply chain along with the steps that Phantom is taking to help provide solutions to logistics and supply chain providers.





Today's supply chain faces several compounding issues that were difficult to predict only a year and a half ago. There are numerous short and long-term effects of COVID to deal with, increasing pressure from growing consumer demands, challenges in implementing autonomous technology, and, perhaps most imminently, a hiring shortage.

On this episode of Click Connect Drive, host Daniel Litwin talked with Evan Rago, Strategic Sales Manager at Phantom Auto, who's been in the industry for more than 10 years, about current issues facing the supply chain. While there are short-term issues relating to the current hiring shortage, there are also more significant long-term issues looming in the manufacturing sector.

New research from Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute shows that as many as 2.1 million manufacturing jobs could go unfilled through 2030, which would end up costing the U.S. economy $1 trillion through that year. This will have a domino effect that will eventually lead to customers waiting on goods, and ultimately affecting their wallets, according to Rago.

"Whenever you can't find labor, your throughput decreases, your operation slows down, you become less efficient and you have to raise costs," Rago said. "Ultimately, [the labor shortage] is going to raise costs and create longer lead times. In today's consumer-driven market, that's really not feasible."

With companies not able to fill positions, the possibility of relying on autonomous technology will move to the forefront. Companies are seeking more flexible options when it comes to employment, including the introduction of new innovative technologies, which will help safeguard them from labor shortages and prepare them for future pandemics and other crises.

"A lot of companies are turning to automation, and they're turning to different innovative technologies," Rago said.

You can listen to the entire episode on Apple Podcasts and Spotify or watch the video recording on YouTube.

About Phantom Auto

Founded in 2017 in Silicon Valley by a team of real-time communication and robotics experts, Phantom Auto specializes in remote operation of all types of unmanned vehicles with customers throughout the world. Phantom Auto’s interoperable solution enables humans to remotely monitor, assist, and operate fleets of unmanned vehicles from up to thousands of miles away. The company’s proprietary software delivers secure, low-latency communication over volatile wireless networks for reliable sensor streaming and safe control of vehicle functions. For more information, please visit
